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Our Box, Unboxing and Food Storage

How should I store my QuiteLike delivery?

OK, two steps. First thing is to unpack the cool bag and pop those items straight into the fridge. Meat and fish should be stored below 5°C, so check your thermostat. Second thing is to open the brown recipe bags and sort the refrigerated items from

How to store ingredients

Hey there, fellow food-lover. Did you just discover a box of your own culinary promise at your door? Woot! We’re just guessing here, but is it quite the best thing to land on your doorstep in a while? Yeah, it is! High-fives. So, what to do now… a bi

What are the dimensions of our box ?

Aligned to our passion for sustainability, we have tried to reduce the physical box sizes as much as we possibly can, without impacting the quality of our produce. We use 2 different size boxes, one for 2 person orders, and a larger one for 4 person